A Banner with abstract green, blue, and yellow shapes that displays the text reading UVic Alumni Guest Speaker Series on the right and a portrait of Bev Sellars on the left
Enter below to win 1 of 10 copies of Bev Sellars' best-selling book: They Called Me Number One                                 

Thank you for being a part of the Alumni Guest Speaker Series event, a Conversation with Bev Sellars.

The UVic Alumni Association is pleased to be giving away 10 copies of Bev's award-winning book, They Called Me Number One: Secrets and Survival at an Indian Residential School. Please enter your details below if you are interested in winning a copy of book. 

Winners will be selected by random draw on September 29 and contacted by email to confirm their mailing address.


Enter your details for a chance to win





Be sure to check out all of the events taking place as a part of the UVic Alumni Guest Speaker Series


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