Chris Lalonde Indigenous Wellbeing Award

Your gift creates an extraordinary environment where UVic students and researchers can thrive. 

To make a donation in USD and receive a U.S. tax receipt, please give through the U.S. Foundation giving page. Choose Other under Designation and type in "Chris Lalonde Indigenous Wellbeing Award". If you are making your donation from outside Canada or the U.S. and you do not need a U.S. tax receipt, please use the form below.

This $1000 per year award has been created to reflect Chris’s appreciation and respect for Indigenous communities, and to honour the contributions he made through his career. The Chris Lalonde Indigenous Wellbeing Award will support Indigenous undergraduate students at the University of Victoria who are pursuing studies in the Social Sciences, especially Psychology.

For help or if you have questions regarding your donation, please contact the Development Office at or by phone at 250-472-4924. Our office hours are 8:30am-4:30pm, Monday to Friday.

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