Ian was an outstanding member of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Victoria, where he held the Canada 150 Research Chair, one of only 20 highly prestigious national appointments, in celebration of Canada’s 150th anniversary. We were proud and honoured to have Ian as a colleague, and he frequently told us how much he enjoyed UVic and appreciated living in Victoria. As a world-leading scientist, he advanced UVic to the global frontier of research activity, including the highest level of research teaching and training. He was universally respected for both his intellect and his friendly, supportive, respectful personality. Ian’s scientific and educational contributions will continue to elevate the Department of Chemistry, his students, UVic and humanity.
The Ian Manners Materials Scholarship will be awarded to academically outstanding graduate students in the Department in Chemistry whose research focuses on the study of materials. This includes, but is not limited to, the synthesis of molecular, polymeric, nanoparticle or solid-state materials, the investigation of their fundamental properties, such as physical, optical and electronic, and/or applications of such materials.
If you have any questions, please contact our Development Officer Kate MacDonald at 250-721-6102 or by email at sciencedev@uvic.ca. Please note our hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm.
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