UVic Law Class of 1981 40th Anniversary Fundraising Initiative

Class of 1981 Entrance Scholarship in Honour of Anne Fraser

UVic Law Class of 1981 pose in house of commons for group photo

A highlight of our past reunions has been the opportunity to re-connect with Anne Fraser, who has a deep personal connection to our class. After our 30th class reunion, we established the Class of 1981 Entrance Scholarship in Honour of Anne Fraser. Seeing Anne at the Reunion this year has inspired two of our classmates to match every new donation to the Scholarship fund up to $10,000! The goal is to increase the sustaining funds that support the yearly scholarship award.

If you are willing to make a donation, please donate via credit card using the form below, or contact our development office at 250-472-4924, or email at giving@uvic.ca.


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